Tips For Cleaning Wood Floors


Have you ever walked on wood floors that have too much wax on them? Slip!! Or have you spent hours cleaning your floors only to have them look like rabbits through a parade on them?

Cleaning your wood floors can be difficult if you don’t use the proper equipment and cleaning solutions. When you care for your hardwood floors properly, they’ll last a lot longer.

Methods for cleaning wood floors are very similar.

1) Sweep or vacuums first! A microfiber dust mop pre-treated with a dusting agent will pick up dust and dirt and prevent scratches in the future. We recommend using one daily! If you use a vacuum be sure to use the hard wood attachment to prevent scratching the wood surface.

2) Use a hard wood floor cleaner. This is important because if you use the wrong solution you can damage your wood or create a film on your hard wood floor that can be difficult to remove. Unless you use a steam mop designed for cleaning wood floors, steam cleaning is not advised for hardwood floors. Steam can dull the finish and damage the wood.

3) Protect your floors (and your hard work!). Clean outside of your doors so that lingering dirt and foliage doesn’t make its way inside. Door mats and boot brushes help. Likewise rugs used in high traffic areas of your home will help protect your wood floors and catch dirt and small rocks before they damage your floors. Rugs can also provide a barrier between furniture and the floor which is especially helpful for furniture that’s moved around.

Knowing how to clean hardwood floors will keep your home looking fantastic. If you need help call us and our team will help you. Call us for a quote today: 530.415.2505