Holiday Guest Cleaning Checklist

Tis' the season for overnight guests, frequent visitors, and hospitable hosting. We love this time of year! We also know it can be challenging to prepare and stay on top of cleaning tasks with all of the fun extras. To help you keep your home tidy and enjoy your guests we've created a simple checklist for you to use and share with your friends and family.

Step 1

Tidy-Up: Focus on decluttering and you'll have a more manageable foundation to work from when guests start to arrive.

Step 2

Deep-clean: Look around your home and evaluate three things that need a deep clean and focus on those for now. It's likely if you noticed those untidy areas your guests will too.

Step 3

Dusting: We love feather dusters, but Swiffer dusters work well. Dust ceiling fans, light fixtures, and high-up shelves.

Step 4

Soap and Water: Create a simple soap and water solution and wipe down exteriors, such as baseboards, cupboard doors, door handles, light switches, and appliances.

Step 5

Glass and Mirrors: Walk around your home and wipe down all of the windows and mirrors - this instantly makes your home feel cleaner and look brighter.

Step 6

Wash linens: Think beyond your guest bedroom sheets, toss washable shower curtains and drapes in the washing machine and rehang. We like to wash a load of towels as well so they feel nice and fresh.

Step 7

Every day Cleaning: Now is the time to focus on vacuuming, sweeping, and the every day tasks you usually tend too.