Getting Organized For The New Year
/Raise your hand if this sounds familiar - you set a New Year resolution and by the second week of January, it’s already fallen to the wayside. Now you’re thinking, what’s an easier, more maintainable resolution that I don’t have to ditch? Don’t worry. 😉 We’ve got you covered.
Even if you have loftier goals you’re aiming for, getting organized is one to-do that you can easily cross off your list. Just follow these tips we’ve put together.
Step 1. Start small
Don’t tackle the whole house at once. Need to get the home office in order? Make that a priority and wait until after you’ve finished to find a new project. What’s the best way to eat an elephant (of a problem)? One bite at a time…
Step 2. Get into a routine
Staying on task with getting organized and staying organized means you’ll need to create routines and stick to them. Remember, start small. Make daily, weekly and even monthly routines that you can follow. Write them down on a small white board if needed!
Step 3. Everything needs a place
That means, don’t bring something new into your home if you don’t already have a home in mind for it. That’s the fastest way to clutter up your space.
Step 4. Enlist help
Have a large family? This is a great family project. Living solo? Ask some friends over to help and finish up with dinner.
Step 5. Celebrate your success
Create a reward system to celebrate your organization milestones. Finish up clearing the old clothes out of the closet? Treat yourself to a movie!
If you are not up for steps 1-4 or need some help give us a call today 530.415.2505! We have a team that specializing in organization and storage.