Rubio’s Cleanings Ultimate New Year Cleaning Checklist


Have you ever thought about giving your home a list of new year resolutions? It might seem a little silly but your home is your sanctuary. It's important that you set goals to manage it in the same way you would your own life! Or at least we like to think of it that way… 

Here’s Rubio’s Cleanings Ultimate New Year Cleaning Checklist. 

1) Get rid of all that’s snug in your rugs.

Clean all of the rugs in your home by placing them in your bathtub with a simple soap and water solution and gently hand wash the rug. We like to hang the rugs in the bathroom to drip dry and then hang them outside in the sun for a proper drying. If rugs are too large or made of precious materials hire a professional.  **always test spot rugs before you begin deep cleaning

2) Laundry quandary.

The laundry areas tend to be problem areas for dirt and dust. We recommend removing everything (even the washer and dryer) and cleaning the entire area removing all dust bunnies and lint that may have settled. After you’ve cleaned the area use a dryer sheet to wipe the baseboards before moving the washer and dryer back into the area (this helps to prevent dust from building up). 

3) Walls need love too.

It’s easy to forget about the larger areas of our home, the areas that you look at and use every day, from the corners of busy traffic areas to 6 inch strip of wall that you have never touched, they all need a little cleaning love. We like to make a warm water soapy solution and get the whole family involved. First start by removing everything from the area that you’re working and place a few towels alongside the baseboards. (We like to use diaper inserts for this task because they’re super absorbent.) After your area is set up start cleaning from top to bottom (you may need a ladder to reach the tip tops of the wall). If you come across a problem area avoid scrubbing it so that you do not remove the paint from your wall and use a magic eraser to spot treat that area of the wall. Bonus points if you have kids make this a fun project!! 

4) Windows make a big difference!

Although we recommend washing your windows every season, most people don’t have the time to do so the new year is a perfect time to wipe the inside windows of each room in your house. Wipe those pesky window sills and frames too. If you are feeling inspired and you live in an area that doesn’t receive a lot of winter weather feel free to give the outside windows a wipe too, but since it’s cold and rainy in Sacramento we tend to reserve the outer window for Spring.