NEVER use these products to clean


Some people swear by baking soda. Others keep vinegar on hand - always! And while these products are great for some cleaning, they’re are some items you just shouldn’t use them on. Not to mention, there are a few products you don’t want to go anywhere near, ever! 

  1. Baking Soda - You can cook with it. You can clean with it. But be careful - baking soda is not a one-and-done for home cleaning. It’s too abrasive for glass and it can cause stainless steel to oxidize. Also, don’t use baking soda on marble or wood surfaces as it can cause irreversible damage with extended use. 

  2. Vinegar - The same properties that make vinegar a go-to sanitizer can cause problems on the wrong surfaces. Never use vinegar to wipe down waxed furniture, marble surfaces or stone tiles - the acidity can cause damage and leave spots. 

  3. Windex - It might be tempting to wipe down your TV screen or computer monitor with windex, but don’t! Instead, opt for a specialty cleanser designed for electronics and a microfiber cloth. 

  4. You’re not a mixologist - So don’t try mixing and matching cleaning products. Never mix bleach with ANY cleaner that has ammonia as an ingredient. The gases created from this combination can lead to chronic breathing problems and even death.

  5. Laundry - Per a recent article by Reviewed, you’ll want to steer clear of some recent “fad” cleaning supplies as well. Eco Nuts, Crystal Wash and DIY detergents just don’t seem to cut the crud. Stick to the tried and trues for the brightest colors! 

Most importantly, always remember to keep your cleaning supplies up high and locked away from where children and pets can reach. When cleaning, open your windows and doors to allow good airflow. Or, just give us a call and we’ll handle the mess!