Three Simple Spring Cleaning Tips
/Keeping a tidy and organized home, here are tips, or call Rubios Cleaning and we can definitely give you a hand.
1) Everything in your home should have a home.
When things have a place and everyone in the household knows where those places are and where items live it makes the house a better organized home.
2) You don’t need 100 utensils.
Free yourself (and your cleaner) of counter clutter and rid yourself of 10 stirring spoons, 4 spatulas, 5 you-never-use-ems. Evaluate everything you have, what you actually use and ridding what you don’t.
3) Store your bathroom items.
We’re talking shampoo, conditioner, body wash, razors, the whole-nine. Seems silly, but in our opinion its rather silly to leave them out. Not only does this create an environment for mold and other grossness to collect in your bathroom but your soaps are exposed to elements throughout the day that aren’t particularly healthy. Particles can stick to soaps.