Healthy Home Habits
We've started a lot of cleaning tips on our blog. Today we want to share tips on how to develop habits in your home that will help you keep it clean, for a longer period of time, and will help to avoid frequent deep cleaning.
Tend to the Vacuum.
The machine that removes the dirt from your home needs dirt removed from its inner workings from time to time. The best approach for cleaning is to refer to your owner's manual (if you still have it) if you don't, try to search YouTube for a video to help. Typically this includes removing a filter or bristle wand from your machine and cleaning it thoroughly.
Consider the soap you use.
Some types of soap leave significantly more soap scum than others. Keep your bathrooms cleaner by using soap with a base of glycerin or vegetable oil. These soaps do not stick to porous surfaces as much as other types of soap.
Pass the squeegee, please.
The simplest way to reduce the frequency cleaning your bathroom is to squeegee your shower and bathtub after use.