5 Daily Habits to Keep Your Home Clean In 2021
Wow, mid-July! If you’re like us, you’re wondering how we can already be over halfway through 2021?! Weren’t we just talking about New Year resolutions and spring cleaning?
As crazy as it seems, half of this year has already flown by. We aren’t mad about it, but with as quickly as time goes, we know that keeping your home clean has probably started to take a back seat. Between soccer or baseball or family vacations, Summer is the easiest time of year for clutter (and dinner dishes) to stack up.
Have you ever heard the question, “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer seems overly simply. “One bite at a time.” However, that’s exactly how you tackle the issue of keeping your home organized and ready for guests. By creating small, easy-to-chew habits you can beat the problem before it starts and maintain a clean, welcoming space for your family and friends.
Habit #1: Make your bed.
Your mom wasn’t wrong. By making your bed in the morning you’re starting the day off on the right foot. Plus, who doesn’ love climbing into a fresh bed in the evening.
Habit #2: Stay ahead of laundy.
Laundry. *Insert eye roll here*. It builds up so fast. Move the mountain before it gets too big by doing one load of laundry every day.
Habit #3: Clean up at night.
Spent 15 minutes cleaning up each night or getting organized for the following day.
Habit #4: Organize your cleaning supplies.
Would you keep your spice rack in the bathroom? Don’t put your cleaning supplies too far from where you’re cleaning. If they’re on hand, they’ll be used.
Habit 5: Keep your hands full.
What we mean is, take something with you each time you leave the room. Watching TV and notice some clutter on the end table? Grab something and put it back in its original place. Remember, small bites.
Tell us what you think of these five habits. Do you do them already? Are there others that are just as important?